Voice and Speechtraining

Voice and Speechtraining 

Wel­co­me. I am very plea­sed to be able to sup­port your voice at work. A trai­ned voice will help you func­tion in all the sty­li­sti­cal­ly dif­fe­rent aspects of sin­ging, as well as the day to day or at work aspects of public speaking.

Voice and Speech — Learn to speak bet­ter in public
Moti­va­ti­on — Rai­se Moti­va­ti­on to new levels
Stage Pre­sence and Pre­sen­ta­ti­on — beco­me mor authen­tic and clear
Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on — Achie­ve a much more pro­duc­ti­ve com­pa­ny spi­rit and team moti­va­ti­on
Pre­sen­ta­ti­on Power — Gain more pre­sence and more stami­na in yor voice

Learn to speak better in public

If you speak publi­cal­ly at work, then your voice will beco­me lou­der and more sono­rous with voice and speech trai­ning. You will beco­me more authen­tic and clear in your phra­sing and you will gain more pre­sence and more stami­na in your voice. Read more…


Teamtraining for Businesses

For Busi­nesses, I offer work­shops and regu­lar team­trai­ning. It has been my expe­ri­ence that in a team, both per­so­nal moti­va­ti­on and team spi­rit increa­se through voice trai­ning. Read more…
