Vocal coach

Voice trainer — Vocal Coach

With my many years of prof­fe­sio­nal work with the Voice, I have lear­ned much about my instru­ment
and I love to teach and help others to expe­ri­ence this wis­dom and the­se tech­ni­ques.
With me, you will opti­mi­ze your vocal pos­si­bi­li­ties and through this expe­ri­ence beco­me more self con­fi­dent and more authen­tic. I will show you how to use your voice in a much more pro­duc­ti­ve way and will give you a tool set that you can use at any time.

Book a time here.

David Schroeder

Sin­ging tea­cher and vocal coach (mem­ber of the BDG)
Work as actor (Ber­lin, Colo­gne, Hagen)
Actor in Radio (WDR, Dra­dio)
Ope­ra Sin­ger – solo and in choir (Deut­sche Oper Ber­lin, Komi­sche Oper, Oper Des­sau)

more about me
