Singing in the company choir

Raise Motivation to new levels

Collegues and workers meet once week to sing tog­e­ther. It is not a choir in the nor­mal sen­se, with con­certs and sopra­no, alto, tenor and bass sec­tions, but rather a cele­bra­ti­on of the moment of sin­ging tog­e­ther. Becau­se your pro­fes­si­on has a hier­ar­chie, it is important for the com­pa­ny choir not to repre­sent this in the group dyna­mic. Ever­yo­ne should take part, even if they think that they can­not sing. Note rea­ding skills are not nee­ded. The regu­lar par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the com­pa­ny choir achie­ves a posi­ti­ve and pro­duc­ti­ve atmo­sphe­re in the work envi­ron­ment, trains the voice and is a lar­ge part of health pro­mo­ti­on in the workplace.

Promoting Health in the Workplace through Singing

Breathing with your dia­phragm helps stren­then the lungs, car­dio­vas­cu­lar system and the back mus­cles. As litt­le as 20 minu­tes of sin­ging will redu­ce the amount of the stress hor­mo­ne Adre­na­lin, as well maxi­mi­zing the oxy­gen sup­p­ly to the body. The anti­bo­dy Immun­glo­bu­lin A is increa­sed during sin­ging, which helps the mus­cus mem­brain and the immu­ne system to fight off dise­a­se. Sin­ging as team­trai­ning is a very important part of com­pa­ny health!

Awa­ken your Poten­ti­al – Book your time here

